Apr 4, 2009

Tag from mummy irfan

Lyn, maaf la baru nk buat tag yg awk bg..mari kita tgk gambar apa yg muncul...

1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.

3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.

4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.

5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.

6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

Tadaaaa..ini la gambar bertuah yg berada dlm folder ke enam..Gambar ni diambik masa on the way ke Ikea & Zoom Cuti-cuti Malaysia

Alamak..nk invite 6 orang kawan ni yg lemah ni..hehe

rasanya ramai kwn2 blogger yg da buat tag ni kan..tapi kepada sesiapa yg belum buat sila la ambil tanpa rasa bersalah..hokay?..


watie wyyn said...

comey nye...

Dee said...


Unknown said...

comelnyer dieee..cubit pipi kang

SemuaTentangKita said...

mummYaeesh,Dee,suw: Terima kasih..mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasik. Hahahahah..

Mama 4H said...

hehehe..semua anak ikut macam lia yerk..putih melepak belaka..lia nak color sama macam dalam gambar ker..purple kan?..lia ada ym tak?ada bende nak tanya...email kat kak tie kat siti@cdi.com.my yerk

Big Mamma Bukhari said...

lena hannan tidur tu.. :-)
tq sudi wish bday kak t kat facebook ye!
liya sihat? anak2? keje ok?
keje baik2 ye.. :-)